Based at 38 King Street, Stenhousemuir the pantry opens at various times throughout the week and weekend. We offer a welcoming approach and treat all members with the dignity that they deserve. KLSB have worked alongside community partners including Stenhousemuir FC, local councillors, local small businesses & various homeless charities and supported accommodation.
We do not operate like a food bank where pantry users are only entitled to a small amount of goods for a small period of time. We offer our members a place on the pantry at a cost of only £2.50 per visit. This cost entitles the member to call into the pantry once per week and pick up to 12 items of shopping. As we are a non-profit group all funds received are reinvested back into the pantry meaning that there is always stock available for all. We also offer our members fresh fruit, veg, bread & eggs when available.
To join the pantry or to make an emergency referral we simply ask that you complete an online form, giving us as much information on your personal circumstances as you feel comfortable with and we will be in touch with you within 24 hours to offer support. We hope that you understand that places are limited in the pantry and not all applications may be accepted. Pantry membership may take up to 24 hours to process. If there is a need for immediate support then please contact Support for People on 0808 100 3161 who may be able to offer an emergency referrel.
Information & Updates
38 King Street
(Next to Farmfoods)
Pantry opening times:-
Friday 11.00 am - 12.45 pm
Saturday 11.00 am - 12.45 pm
Parking is available in the free carpark in front of Farmfoods or in the main Asda carpark.
Bus stops are right next to the food pantry.
Pop Up Banner
We would like to thank Asda for allowing our new banner at the food drop off point.
We would like to thank Asda for allowing our new banner at the food drop off point.